Untangled Introduction
We're weary, stressed, and wondering what the point is. Where are our sense of joy and purpose? At times, we feel lost in these struggles and desperate to find God's best for our lives. But—we get tangled up in our emotions. We are distracted by 100 different things and end up feeling empty and wondering if we are truly living out the purpose God intended for us.
In this Bible study workshop, we will tackle these things that sideline us and prevent us from finding and fulfilling our purpose including:
Worry, Insecurity, Shame, Rejection, Anger, Sadness, Stress, Comparison, Running on Empty, People-Pleasing, Perfectionism, Appearances, and Lack of Perspective.
We will search the scriptures, talk about our struggles and practice with clinical tools and techniques to find your purpose and freedom from these issues. We'll end the study with putting all these things together so we can better understand our own puzzle and what God's purpose for this season in our life.
Our foundation for this study comes from our theme verse:
Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.”
However, this study is not about ways to remove our emotions. This study is a discussion about why God gave us emotions, how they affect us, and what we can do about them so they don’t entangle us. We want to untangle these emotions, but not remove them. They are a part of our design and a part of our purpose. They are all God-given and we are to use them to sense the needs of those around us and the Holy Spirit in us.
If we accept that God wired us with these emotions and at the same time they have the potential to entangle us in sin, how do I navigate this world? What should I do with these emotions? This is why I wanted to write this Bible study and have these conversations with other women. This is why I asked Laura to join me in this journey. She is a fellow truth teller and willing to talk about living tangled up in these emotions and struggles— but finding freedom in them as well.